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Annual Meeting (A Concern)

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:20 am
by 19 Turkeys

The annual membership meeting is always held at the Internationals. This is the one time that members can discuss matters of importance with our elected officials. Historically, the Secretary/Treasurer has published a semi-annual financial report in the September issue of the IHMSA News and an annual report in the March issue. This gives members time to analyze them and ask questions at the annual meeting. It is important to realize that we have lost money every year since 2008.

My concern is that the Secretary/Treasurer has yet to publish the annual report in the paper. Thus, we have no idea where we stand financially. If you are attending the Internationals please attend the annual meeting and ask that financial reports be published in a timely manner.

Also, please ask that the Internationals be run on a separate balance sheet. It is impossible to tell if we are making or loosing money on this match. There should be a one line item on the general ledger reading Internationals in the income section. That number would be black if we made money and red if we lost. This was promised about 5 years ago and not ever implemented.

To those attending the meeting, thanks in advance for bringing these issues up.


Steve W.

Re: Annual Meeting (A Concern)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:32 pm
by Proclaim
Steve W.,
Have you called the treasurer and asked why there is no report?
If not, I'd suggest you do so.

Re: Annual Meeting (A Concern)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:32 pm
by 19 Turkeys
Proclaim wrote:Steve W.,
Have you called the treasurer and asked why there is no report?
If not, I'd suggest you do so.
No because Joe Frey informed me that he would contact Nancy concerning this over a month ago. Knowing Joe, I am sure he did that. Since Joe said he would get involved I saw no reason for me to "double up" on the Secretary/Treasurer.

Steve W.

Re: Annual Meeting (A Concern)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:56 pm
by KickBass
sometimes doubling down is not a bad thing, especially if you think you hold the higher hand.