6/29-30 Lawrenceburg Ky

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6/29-30 Lawrenceburg Ky

Post by 35isit »

Our shake down match for the upcoming National Championship went great. We had five shooters fire six guns on Saturday our 500 day. We expected a few more. Rich Hawkins came down and fired a fantastic 38 x 40 in UAS. Will Culin had a fine 19 with only one chicken.

Saturday saw twelve shooters fire twenty-five guns. Rich Baird came down from Ohio to get some sight settings and to get used to the layout. He had trouble with the rams. When he was finished, I helped him get on them. I think he'll be ready by championship time. Thomas Curlin let just one get away in smallbore unlimited.

Those on here who are coming the range should be in terrific shape. We are looking forward to seeing you once again. Those that are not coming we will certainly miss you. See you on the 20th of July.

June 29
Ultra 500
U-AA W Curlin 19
U-AA D Bemis 17
UAS-INT R Hawkins 38
UAS-AA D Bemis 25
UAS-AA R Dampier 22
UAS-UNC L Boone 15
June 30
S-INT T Malone 22
S-A S Beck-Montgomery 15
U-INT D Bemis 32
U-AAA R Dampier 30
US-AA S Beck-Montgomery 22
R-INT W Curlin 36
R-A R Dampier 18
P-AAA R Dampier 21
P-A S Beck-Montgomery 22
UAS-INT R Foster 38
UAS-AAA G Rhineheimer 29
UAS-UNC L Boone 38
UAS-UNC C Boone 37
Half Scale
UHS-AA D Bemis 18
UAS-INT G Rhineheimer 40 +8
UAS-INT R Foster 33
UAS-INT R Baird 32
US-AA T Malone 15
R-INT W Curlin 32
R-AAA T Curlin 30
U-AAA T Curlin 39
UAS-UNC L Boone 36
UAS-UNC C Boone 26
Fifth Scale
UASFS-AAA G Rhineheimer 25
Field Pistol
PAS-AAA S Rafferty 16

If you haven't signed up for the National match there is still time.
If you are lurking around on here and are within two hours of Lawrenceburg Ky. It would certainly be worth your while to drop by. You will see and meet some great people and see some fine shooting. Not by me but other people.
Life Member of N.R.A.
80X80 7/27/2010
Ky State Director
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